Styling for your lifestyle session

So you just booked your sesh and your pumped to get the perfect outfits together?

I gotchu! Let’s get you feelin’ like all that and a bag of chips!

Choose something comfortable! Beautiful images start with comfort.

Not just with what you wear, but how you feel in it. Lifestyle photography is all about rolling with it and living in the moment. Trust me, it’s a LOT easier to let yourselves shine when everyone feels comfortable. Pick outfits which allow for free movement and energy - this is what will result in images full of pure joy and happiness. Think flowy or textured dresses or skirts for mom, untucked shirts for the boys, no visible undergarments, and clothes that fit properly instead of riding up (or down). For in-home sessions, I say the cozier the better. Please don’t let the session be the first time your kiddos have worn their outfits. Give everything a test run beforehand, or, pick outfits they already love.

Color coordinate… but don’t match. Your images should have an overall cohesive look.

Believe it or not, you don’t actually need to match to accomplish this (this is 2020, not a 90’s studio portrait… nothing against the 90s though!). Instead, try sticking to a few core colors you love. You could pick colors in the same family, or, complementary colors on opposite sides of the color wheel. Earthy tones, pastels, and neutrals always look best on camera and work in a large variety of environments. Patterns can also be a fun option, as long as the colors coordinate with the chosen palette. For busier patterns I’d suggest limiting them to smaller clothing items (or the smallest family member). Always avoid bright neon colors, since these always clash with each other and throw funky colors on your faces.

Consider the setting & the season

Are we adventuring in the woods, livin’ it up at a local fest, or strolling through the heart of Amberg?

Each location has its own unique vibe, whether it’s lush and green, vibrant and bright, or open space with sweeping fields and sky. Depending on the time of year, the colors can also change drastically so keep this in mind (hellooooo beautiful fall leaves!). You don’t want to blend in by matching your wardrobe to the background; you’re way too important for that! Also be mindful of overdressing. You probably wouldn’t wear high heels while snuggling with the family on the couch, right? You’d probably look & feel a lot cozier in some oversized knit socks. See, I told ya it wasn’t that hard.

Accessories? Yes please.

Mix it up buttercup!

Wearing a stylish hat or knit scarf will add texture and variety to your outfit. A flowy shawl will add movement and whimsy. Think about how you can add layers to your outfit which could be removed if needed. It’s like having multiple outfits for your session! Just keep your color palette and location in mind. Remember with accessories, less is more. Pick just a couple items or sentimental pieces that hold value to you. Family jewelry passed down for generations? Yes please. Baby blanket hand crocheted by grandma? Love it. The best accessories are always simple items that can be removed to add variety to the gallery. Bring your doggo, favorite beer, quilt, guitar and just have fun.

I hope you’re pumped for your session! For more tips in the meantime, you can go check out my client prep guide here:


Six tips to help you ROCK your fall session